Tuesday, December 19, 2006

December 18th - Red Couch Pics, December 19th - Tour of Guangzhou

(Click image for additional photos/slideshow. There are several pages of pics.)

December 18th, we had the "famous" Red Couch Photos taken!! This is a tradition started by our adoption agency, CCAI. They have taken pictures of each family and all the babies of each travel group on a "red couch" in the White Swan Hotel for every adoption they have ever facilitated. Unfortunately, I forgot to charge the camera battery so my photos are limited!!! Friends have promised to send me copies of their pictures.
On December 19th, we took a little bus tour of Guangzhou. Our first stop was an Ancient Budhist Temple called Six Banyan Tree Temple. Our next stop was the Chen Family Academy and Museum. Artisans in Guangzhou are well known for their carving work in jade and ivory along with the handpainted porcelain and hand sewn embroidery.


Anonymous said...

This will be the last time I get to look at you site before you come home. I just wanted to tell you I love you and will be praying for you. Have a safe trip back and a very Merry Christmas. See you on the 26th!


RamblingMother said...


Sally, I am not sure I have your current e-mail so here are Caroline's coming home pics from my video camera. Sorry they are blurry, it wasn't my best still camera I had with me.

Beverly & Glenys

Kristin said...


I have enjoyed looking through your blog and your daughter is just darling!

It seems we might be neighbors (we live in Laguna Beach),so I will keep an eye out for you!

Pandax said...

What a beautiful baby! She looks a little like a young Joan Chen.